Limitless Boundaries, Absolute Impact.
Complaint Handling and Resolution
Infinity Financial Advisory

At Infinity FA, we are dedicated to offer fair solutions to our customers. Our objective is to address your concerns with impartiality, efficiency, and timeliness according to our established service standards. To lodge a complaint or offer feedback, please use the contact information provided below. Be assured that you will receive an acknowledgement within 2 business days of submitting your request, and we strive to deliver a final response within 20 business days. If additional time is required to resolve your case, we will keep you informed on the progress and provide interim updates when applicable.

Contact Details

Phone: +65 6549 0813
To assist us in resolving your concerns, kindly provide the following:

  • Full Name
  • Contact Number & E-mail Address
  • Name of Financial Consultant
  • Details of your concerns

In the event that you are unsatisfied with the final response, you may approach the Financial Industry Dispute Resolution Centre (FIDReC) for assistance. FIDReC is an independent body for dispute resolution between financial institutions and consumers. For more information, kindly visit